Semulike valley national park
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Semuliki National Park

Semuliki National Park is located in Bundibugyo district in western Uganda on the border with Democratic Republic of Congo.  The park lies within the Albertine Rift Valley on the western arm of the East African Rift Valley the Rwenzori Mountains are to the south-east, Lake Albert to the north and the Semuliki and Lamia river also border the park, they are also the watering place for the wildlife in the park. Semuliki National Park is the only park in East Africa with a true tropical lowland forest, it has an extension of the great west African jungle that stretches all the way from the Equatorial Guinea through congo Basin’s Ituri forest to Semuliki meaning that the park is associated with central rather than Eastern African wilderness implying that the vegetation, animals, birds found in central Africa can be found in the Park although it is located in East Africa. Tourist stand a chance to taste Central Africa minus leaving East Africa because the thatched huts of the local people are shaded with west African Palm oil, Semuliki river is also a miniature of the Congo river, most of the local population like the Batwa Pygmy originated form the Ituri forest of congo they are traditionally hunter gathers, live on the edge of the forest.

Semuliki Valley National Park has an area coverage of 219 sq km (85 sq mi) making one of the smallest National Park among Uganda’s National Parks, it is managed and protected by the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Semuliki Valley National Park is known as the best birding destination because it boarders Lake Albert, the park is one of the areas rich in forest birds in Africa hence referred to as the “birder’s paradise” and it is mostly visited by bird lovers and birding is the major activity in the park, it is also rich in flora and fauna consisting of predominantly medium altitude moist evergreen to semi forest(trees are evergreen in swamp nature) with Savannah grassland, low and tropical forest consisting of approximately 336 tree species with 3 endangered species and 24 restricted tree species Euphorbia, Chrysophyllum  begui. The park also boasts two hot springs with the Munbuga springs that resembles a geyser and the source of salt for many animals.

Semuliki Valley National Park is located on a flat to gently undulating landform hence when it heavily rains the two rivers found in the park flood the area. Semuliki National Park is home to 435 bird species, 9 primates, 336 plant species, 374 butterfly species and 53 mammal species.


History of Semuliki National park

Semuliki is one of the ancient national reserve, its lowland forest is believed to have survived the last ice Age period between 12-18000 years ago. The park was first gazetted as Toro game reserve in 1932. Between 1992-1993 the park was managed by the colonial government as a forest reserve before being taken over the forest department. It was upgraded to National Park status in 1993 making one of the oldest parks in Uganda, it was gazetted mainly to protect the forests against deforestation and protect them as an integral part of the several protected areas within the Albertian region.



Semuliki Valley National Park is home to over 53 mammal species, the boasts having the highest number of Uganda Kobs in Uganda, Bay duiker, civets, Dwarf Antelope, Bush baby, elephants, fire footed rope squirrel, leopards, red-legged sun squirrel, target rats, water chevrotains, white-bellied duiker, fly mouse, pygmy flying squirrels, Hippos, buffaloes, lions, leopards. Primates are also found the park which include black and white colobus monkeys, olive baboons, red-tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, chimpanzees, De Brezza’s monkey, Guereza colobus among others.


Semuliki Valley National Park is referred to as a birder’s paradise because of its big number of birds, it hosts over 435 bird species where 67% of them are forest birds like Capuchin Babbler, Dwarf Honeyguide, Forest Ground Thrush, Blue-headed Crested Flycatcher, White-tailed Hornbill among others unique species like Long-tailed Hawk, Lyre-tailed, Honey guide and Nkulengu Rail are in the park, spot-breasted ibis, Hartlaub’s duck, congo sepent eagle, chestnut flaned goshawk, red thighed sparrowhawk to mention but a few.


Semuliki National Park has two hot springs which are one of the major attractions in the park, the male hot spring is called Bitende and the female Nyasimbi, they are 12meters apart. The female hot spring is a boring geyser which spurts out hot bubbling water streaming about 2 meters up in the air offering a wonderful view. Just like other hot spring you can boil their eggs, potatoes and they boil instantly because the waters are 100 degrees Celsius hot.


Game drive

The park offers morning, evening and night game drives for tourist interested in navigating the park to know more and appreciate the wildlife and plant life in the park and Uganda as well. Game drive in the park is one of the major activities you shouldn’t miss out on your Uganda Safari adventure. In a 4WD Vehicle drive through the park savannah fields in the park you will be in position to spot chimpanzees, grey-cheeked mangabey, black and white colobus monkeys, antelopes, Uganda Kobs and variety of birdlife.


Semuliki is one of the best birding destinations in Uganda offering a gaze at a variety of bird species in the area with over 435 birds you can spot them almost every where in the park though mostly concentrated in swamps, forests and river Semuliki. Birds to spot include shoebill, dazzling red-throated bee-eater, yellow-throated cuckoo, piping hornbill, red-billed dwarf horn bill, black-casqued wattled hornbill, red-rumped tinkerbird and many others.

Visiting Hot springs

Visiting Hot Spring helps get a chance to appreciate nature and its wonders, come and appreciate the creativity of God that leaves you wondering and longing for more. Tourists are allowed to carry food and eggs to cook at the springs just like the local people do. The water is very hot with bubbling and steam up to 2 meters.

Guided Natural walks and Hiking

Nature walks are carried out in the Ituri forest, swamps and the savannah grasslands. It is guided by a professional park ranger, on the walk you will have a close encounter with birds, primates, Uganda Kobs to mention but a few. Experience the Uganda wilderness on foot.

Boat Ride

Enjoy exploring the park on water, this activity is carried out on River Semuliki running from the Rwenzori mountains to Lake Albert and River Nile. You will spot a number of animals while on the boat ride which include Waterbucks, Sitatungas, lizards, Nile Crocodile, Pygmy hippos along the shores of the river and more.

Batwa Cultural experience

The Batwa people live on the out skirts of Semuliki National Park, they originate form the ituri forest of Democratic Republic of Congo, enjoy as these people take you their history through storytelling, experience their day to day activities and how they survive on a daily basis, experience how these people construct their houses with local fabrics, learn their local herbs for medication and their way of making fire locally.

Primate tracking

This activity involves tracking down the primates in their natural home, for a period of 4-6 hours you will track primates like baboons, grey-cheeked mangabey, vervet monkey, central African red colobus, red tailed monkeys, de Brazza’s monkey and many others, watch them play, swing from tree to tree, eating, feeding young ones and more.


Semuliki National Park has a few accommodations ranging form luxury, Mid-range and budget which include Semuliki Safari lodge, Kaninga lodge, Ntoroko game lodge, mountain of the moon hotel, Bumuga Camping site, Hotel Vanilla, Semuliki river camp and many others.


Semuliki Valley National Park is open all year round but the best time to visit the park is during the dry months of December to March and June to September which is generally dry occasional light rains. In the dry months vegetations are thin which ease wildlife viewing, animals gather in one place to quench their thirst, the roads are passable. In the wet season it’s the best time for bird watching in the months of April to June.


Semuliki Valley National Park can be accessed by road and Air.

By Road;

Semuliki Valley National Park can be reached via the Kampala-Fort Portal and Mubende which takes a period of 5-6 hours’ drive and Kampala-Fort Portal via Masaka, Mbarara and Kasese highway for about 7-8 hours’ drive.

By Air;

Tourist can book a chartered flight form Kajjansi or Entebbe International Airport to Kasese.

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