Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park is Uganda’s most isolated national park located in Karenga in Kaabong district of North-eastern corner of  Uganda. Kidepo National is the least visited among Ugandan National Parks because it is located in the most remote area making it the most virgin safari destination and undoubtedly among the best wilderness areas in Africa and it was ranked one of the most picturesque of all African Safari Wilderness Parks by CNN, besides that Kidepo National Park is among the great destinations for a cultural trail especially to those who would like to adventure the untouched Karamojong culture despite the high speed of modernization. Kidepo National Park derives its name from one of its tourist attractions, the Kidepo Valley, which stretches north and north east of the park.

Kidepo Valley National Park has an area coverage of 11442 sq km (557 sq mi)  dominated with semi-arid savanna that spread into the horizon beyond the eye can see, seasonal rivers and low mountains  on the core of a savannah landscape next to a few mountain bodies like Mountain Morungole 2750 meters ( 9020 ft) which dominated the horizon and transected by the Kidepo and Narus Rivers which glide through the Savannah landscape in the rainy season and disappear in the dry season.

Kidepo Valley  National Park boasts being home high population of wild animals with over 86 mammal species and  sighting is very easy, it is home to the African big 5 except for Rhinos, the park is a nest to nearly 500 species of birds. The park is under the management of the Uganda Wildlife Authority just like most of the Uganda National Parks.


History kidepo valley national park

The now Kidepo Valley National Park was first gazetted as a game reserve in 1958 by the British colonial government and the main purpose for the gazetting of the area was to protect the wildlife from hunting and to preserve further cleaning of the bush in an attempt to control test flies that caused Nagana to Cattle and sleeping sickness to humans. Later in 1962 the newly independent government of Uganda under president Milton Obote upgraded the reserve to a National Park level and named Kidepo Valley National Park.

Attractions in the park


Kidepo Valley National Park is has over 86 mammal species that call it home in big numbers, tourists are guaranteed eye sighting of the wildlife in the park because of its landscape and thin vegetation cover, some of the wildlife species include Spotted hyenas, lions, cheetah, leopards, elephants, giraffe, zebras, African buffaloes, bat-eared foxes, Rothschild’s giraffes, greater and lesser Kudu, White eared Kob, Jacksons hartebeest, Klipspringer, reedbucks, guenthers dik-dik, elands, oribi, cheetahs, side striped jackal, wild dogs, caracal,  to mention but  a few.

Bird Species

The park boasts being home to over 500 bird species which around its premises, having this high number of birds makes it a perfect getaway for bird lovers and some of the bird species to spot include Ostriches, Abyssinian roller, Verreaux’s eagle, yellow-billed hornbill, Egyptian vulture, Kori bustard, Pygmy falcon, Karamoja apalis, Jackson’s hornbill, speckle fronted weaver, black breasted barbet, brown backed woodpecker, singing bush lark, grey capped social weaver, purple heron, African swallow tailed kite, long tailed nightjar, Karamoja Apalis, coloured boubou, rufous crowned roller, red billed oxpecker, Jacksons hornbill, purple heron, scarlet chested sunbird, African grey flycatcher among others.

Kidepo Valley

Kidepo Valley is where the park got its name from, the park stretches in the north and north east of the park. The word Kidepo is a local word that means “to pick from under” it possibly because the community go in to the valley during the dry season to pick fallen ripened borassus palm fruits for domestic use. The valley  is home to Kidepo river, it is a seasonal river that flows north into south Sudan where it meets the Narus river that supplements it before joining the white Nile. Kidepo Valley is also where the Kanangorork hot springs are found, enjoy watching hot water jetting from the ground spilling all over the surface.

Narus Valley

Narus Valley stretches through the south and western region of the park. The work Narus means muddy or temperatures in the local Karamojong language, the area has low rainfall and semi-arid vegetation that gets bare ground after prolonged droughts. Narus Valley is enclosed by distant mountains and permanent water source hence wildlife always visit the area for water. The valley is a habitat for wildlife like  giraffes, oribi, reedbucks, Jackson’s hartebeests, buffaloes, lions etc making it a perfect area for a game viewing activity.


Game drive

Kidepo Valley National Park was ranked among the best game viewing Safari destinations in Africa, it has a very favourable game viewing landscape with a wide range of wildlife, tourist on a Kidepo National Park Safari have a high opportunity of spotting a wide range of wild animals. The park offers morning, evening and night game drives and some of the  wildlife to spot include Spotted hyenas, lions, cheetah, leopards, elephants, giraffe, zebras, African buffaloes, bat-eared foxes, Rothschild’s giraffes, greater and lesser Kudu, White eared Kob, cheetah among others.

Nature walks

This is a very rewarding activity in the park where tourists are given a chance to explore the park on foot and get a closer encounter with the park’s small wild animals, vegetation cover and experience its land scape on foot.  This activity is guided by professional park guides and an armed park ranger to ensure your safety and some of the animals to spot include elephants, buffaloes, warthogs, reedbucks, water bucks, zebras, giraffes and some bird life like ostriches, the park’s beautiful landscape and scenery and enjoy the cool breeze and sweet melodies of birds.


Kidepo Valley National Park boasts being home to over 500 bird species including migratory, permanent resident, water birds, savannah birds and endemic birds and some of which to spot during a Kidepo National Park Safari bird viewing activity include Pygmy falcon, Karamoja apalis, Jackson’s hornbill, speckle fronted weaver, black breasted barbet, brown backed woodpecker, singing bush lark, grey capped social weaver, purple heron, African swallow tailed kite, long tailed nightjar, Karamoja Apalis, coloured boubou, rufous crowned roller,

Culture Encounter

Kidepo Valley National Park is neighboured by the Karamojong people and the IK people living gin the neighbouring village and the Morungole mountains respectively. During this activity tourist are able to visit these locals and learn more about their culture, lifestyle, day to day activities, learn how to make their local musical instruments, history, visit and if you wish sleep in their locally built Manyatta homesteads, learn hoe they determine bride price among other, this activity is very rewarding and carries with it a lot of adventure.

How to get to the park

The park can be accessed both by road and Air transport.

By Road;

The park can be accessed from Kampala via the Gulu – Kitugum road which is the longest route to use to the park and takes about 10 hours of driving.

The park can also be accessed form Murchison Falls National Park which takes about 7 hours on a sealed road.

Some tourist first break off the journey and spend a night at Sipi falls then continue with the journey the following day.

By Air;

This is the cheapest and fastest way to reach the park though very expensive because the flight only operate on certain days and require a reasonable number of passengers to fly, Tourist fly into the airstrip close to Apoka and then drive to the  park.

Best time to get to the park

The park is open to visitors all year round and can be visited any time of the year though the best time is between the dry months of June-August, December-February. The dry season is best because the vegetation is thin making game viewing very easy, animals gather in the few water sources to quench their thirst and also have a bath making wildlife spotting very easy and fast. The wet months of March to May and November  are also good to visit the park because the crowds are few, birds are very many in the area making it perfect for bird lovers when migratory birds are in the area.

Accommodations in the park

Tourists shouldn’t worry about where to host their night because during the Safari in Kidepo National Park because their a number of accommodation facilities ranging from Luxury, Mid-range and Budget some of which include  Katurum lodge, Mara Safari Lodge Kidepo, Karatunga Safari Camp, Zebra Safari Lodge, Apoka Safari Lodge, Kidepo Savannah Lodge, Nga Moru Wilderness Camp, Adere Safari lodge, Kidepo Valley National Park lodges etc.

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