Gorilla trekking in uganda

This is a guide to your gorilla tracking safari and what to know before engaging in the activity. Gorillas are a pivotal reason to which many wonderers visit Uganda the pearl of Africa, these Apes are Man’s closest cousin and all those that believe in the scientific theory of Man’s evolution, why miss out on seeing these species that carry 95% human DNA which justifies the scientific theory of Man’s evolution.

During Gorilla trekking you will hike through the dense Ugandan tropical forests in search of these endangered species classified under the UNESCO World Heritage as highly endangered.  On meeting these Apes in their natural environment, you will be rewarded with a full hour of spending with them and experience how they carry out their day to day activities like Brest feeding, playing, eating, resting among othaers. The feeling you get on encountering with these species no amount of words can explain it you will be rewarded  with a once in a life time experience that will last for eternity, an encounter with the mountain gorillas washes away all the hardships one passes through to get to them.

Tourists that have ever been on a gorilla trekking Safari with Usoke Explorers highly rate the experience as a must carry out by every human on the planet because it is second to none in being rewarding.

What  is  gorilla trekking 

Gorilla trekking Is a one in a life time experience that involves hiking in the Virunga-Bwindi rainforests of Africa in search of the endangered mountain Gorillas in order to get an encounter with them in their natural environment.  The eleuthero-ma-nia nature of mountain gorillas can’t let them survive outside their natural environment hence the only where to get an encounter with them, is to go and visit them in their natural environment.

One is required to be mentally and physically stable and ready to get dirty while hiking through the  rugged and steep terrains, the tall tangled scrubs and thick jungle  that go up to 14763 feet (4500m) elevation

Gorilla trekking in Uganda

Where to See Mountain Gorilla in Uganda

What you see in zoos are not Mountain Gorilla. Mountain Gorilla can’t survive anywhere outside their natural environment, they can only be found in the African tropical rainforests and in Uganda they can be seen in the tropical forests of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and Maghinga Gorilla National Park. Uganda boasts of being home to 50% of the reaming  Mountain Gorilla on the planet, the government together with Uganda Wildlife Authority jealously protect the remaining gorilla families because they are highly endangered. your chances of gazing at these species are only possible when you go for a gorilla trekking safari in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National park. the parks offers others activities like bird watching, wildlife viewing, cultural encounter, hiking, Gorilla habituation among others.

Bwindi Impenetrable forest also referred to as Africa’s true jungle because of thick vegetation cover that seems impenetrable hence the name located south western part of Uganda with in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. it is dominated with  montane and lowland forest  that have an area coverage of 131 Sq km( 128 Sq mi), the forest  is too thick to an extent that the paths have to be cleared every day while searching for the gorillas. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is rich in biodiversity and home to many endangered and non-endangered species and because of this it’s ranked a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  The jungle is home to half of the remaining mountain Gorillas in the world living in 37 social groups with 11 habituated families this means these families where trained to get used to human presence with out altering out their natural behaviors and 1 family is left out for gorilla habituation safari “ this is when a tourist accompany researchers  into the forest to teach the gorillas to get used of human presence and also learn more about them, during this activity your given more time to spend with the species unlike in gorilla trekking where your given one hour, during habituation your given 6-a full day of spending with these creatures and it’s the best where to get rewarding photos of them. Bwindi is second to none for being the best gorilla trekking destination because of its many gorilla habituated families. Bwindi National park has 4 gorilla trekking sectors that’s Buhoma ( most desired by tourists), Nkuringo, Ruhijah and Rushaga and your tracking sector depends on where the permits are availed by the time of booking and date. Being that Bwindi  is a rainforest, it means its most likely to rain anytime.

Mgahinga is the second gorilla trekking destination in Uganda after Bwindi Impenetrable. Mgahinga Forest is an extension of the Virunga forest, it extends 168 sq mi in to Rwanda and DRC. The park has 3 of the 8 Virunga mountain peaks namely Mount Sabinyo, Mount Gahinga and Mount Muhabura. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has one habituated gorilla family.

Each gorilla family is allocated one tourist group per day and each group has a maximum of 8 persons. Gorilla trekking starts very early in the morning at the park headquarter  ( visitor’s center) with a briefing from your trekking guide and starts our group of 8 persons led by two armed guides. Your trekking guide is required to carry a fine-edged machete for clearing your path because of the thick vegetation of Bwindi that grows all the time. In order to find these apes, your guide will be communicating with other guides that are left at dawn for coordinates on where these species hosted the previous night, this makes trekking less challenging.

on meeting the gorilla as you will be allocated a full hour to spend with them in their natural environment, wear your mask and watch them at a safer distance as they as the  group leader a compassionate silver back very watch full as it protects its family, watch the baby gorillas as they tumble and rough as wrestlers, watch them play, breast feed, rest, mate these activities are worth watching with your naked eyes. After the trek you will be rewarded with a trekking certificate to justify your contribution to the conservation of these endangered species.

What are the chances of seeing Gorilla in Uganda

The chance of spotting mountain gorillas are high when one visits Bwindi or Mgahinga, researchers, rangers and guides monitor the gorilla families every day from morning to evening meaning that they are well versed with where the gorilla families are located at all time. There are no yet registered occasions of not getting the opportunity to sight on these magnificent species.  this justifies that you stand 99% chances of spotting these endangered species. Meeting wildlife not guaranteed, but meeting a predator can cause one troop to move in a completely different direction especially during the night hours.

Is Gorilla Trekking Worth the Time

Gorilla Trekking is one of the most rewarding activities one should encounter before leaving the world. It is a once in a life time experience  to meet Man’s closest cousin the specie that justifies Man’s evolution theory. Gorilla trekking is an activity that is going to fulfill your wanderlust and tourist that have ever engage in this activity  highly rate it a 5 star. All the hustle and money spent will be paid off with a single sight at a Gorilla.  Uganda has the cheapest gorilla trekking permits in comparison to Rwanda and yet Uganda has the greatest number of these species.

The largest position of money collected from permits is put back into conservation and supporting the neighboring local communities.

Is Gorilla Trekking Safe

Visiting Mountain Gorillas in their natural habitat  sounds life threatening and unsafe but contrary to that it is one of the safest activities on the planet, first Mountain gorillas have a very calm demeanour and graciously ignore tourists ‘presence, this activity will be an unforgettable experience, secondly you will be led by two-armed park rangers and the best of all primatologists have habituated these Apes to get used to human presence. Gorilla trekking is safe provided you follow the safety guide lines and rules provided before engaging in the activity well. After following the guide lines has provided by your trekking guide then trekking will be very safe for you.

Note; these Apes can be unpredictable especially when you brake the forest rules, like you’re not supposed to get in contact with these species because they are vulnerable to human diseases  rather keep a safe distance of 10m (32 feet), if your ill will any air born disease you won’t be allowed into the forest for trekking. Ensure you follow everything your guide says.

How to get to Gorillas


Where to stay during Gorilla Trekking

Bwindi and Mgahinga have well established forest accommodation best for you to have a safe and comfortable stay during your trekking safari ranging from luxury, mid-range and  budget hence the ball is left in your hands to choose your favorite stay that best suits your budget.

What  is the minimum age for gorilla trekking in Uganda

Gorilla trekking is not allowed to children under the age of 15 years and individual from 15 and above are all allowed in the forest with Gorilla trekking packages for the elderly. There are a number of reasons why they are not allowed to trek in search of gorillas in the forest and some are; Children under 15 years have behaviors that cannot be predicted, they are likely not to follow the rules and regulations of gorilla trekking. Uganda Wildlife Authority has full power to adjust and allow anyone in the forest.

Note; that the responsibility of the outcomes of insisting to take your child into the forest are in your head as an individual not the safari company or even Uganda Wildlife authority. 

Is gorilla trekking difficult

Gorilla Trekking can mean to be a little bit challenging due to rough terrains, impenetrable misty jungle, unpredictable weather and long distance hence requires one to be reasonably fit both mentally and physically. The high altitudes can also mean to be challenging because trekking takes place at 8500 ft and done only on foot, there are no established paths, signs, directions and the only way to reach the Apes is through your experienced guide and trackers who are well versed with the forests and clear way for you.

How to get to Gorillas

Uganda can be accessed via the Entebbe international Airport which is 46 km( 29 mi) from Kampala the capital city of Uganda. Both Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park are located in south-western Uganda, from your location transfer to the parks in 4 x4 WD Safari Vehicle via the well tarmacked road of Masaka-Mbarara highway for about 8-10 hours of driving to any gorilla trekking sector including stop overs for lunch, stretching your legs and also visiting the Equator.

Air transportation can be arranged from  Kajjansi Airfield to the north of Bwindi at Kihihi Airstrip or to the south of Bwindi near Mgahinga at Kisoro Airport.  The airport transfer take about a 2-hour flight to both the parks.

 The other way to access the park is through Rwanda, reach the Kigali International Airport and have a2 hour drive to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Best time to visit

 Gorilla Trekking is an all year-round activity though the rainy months of April and May can mean to be more challenging, the roads are bit impassable during this season, the vegetation cover is thick making the paths slippery and impassable, the chances of raining during trekking are 95% high interfering with viewing and snapping, weather very cold and making hiking more challenging because if slippery paths. The good thing about the season is that most of the prices are relatively ,low compared to the dry season this is done to attract tourists who can tolerate all the hinderances. The best time for gorilla trekking remaining as the dry season in  the months of June-August, December to February because the paths are less slippery, forest floor is drier, less chance of raining making viewing and photography more rewarding, hence the dry season offers the best Gorilla Trekking Safari experience.

How to book your gorilla trekking safari

Usoke explorers has well experienced team that make booking easy, we not only ease boking for you, but also ensure you get a Gorilla trekking experience every one could wish to have. Though gorilla permits are scares and on a high demand we can’t fail to secure a permit for you and loved ones. Our expert team will work jointly with you to ensure you get a rewarding gorilla trekking safari.

Last minute-gorilla permits

Last minute permits are rarely available and we advise you to booked as early as possible  but if it’s an avoidable , contact us we check whether the last-minute permits are available.



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