Camping in murchison falls national park, Camping is when people live in tents in a designated area where outdoor activities are allowed and safe. Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s largest and oldest national park with 3893 sq km. the park is renowned for its rich biodiversity. Located in northwestern Uganda 234.3 km from Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, the park can be accessed by both road and domestic flight.

Murchison Falls National Park is one of the few national parks in Uganda that offer camping, and it has a number of camping options that tourists interested in a more adventurous experience in Murchison wilderness on moonlight can choice from. Camping in Murchison is only done in designated areas, different camping places offer different services and facilities.

Camping is cheaper than any other accommodation option in the park be it lodges or hotels hence travelers on a budget can choose camping as a form of moving on a budget while enjoying their safari. For more information about the park visit our Murchison Falls National Park Safari. This will give you more detailed information about Murchison Falls National Park.


Red chill rest camp 

Red Chill Rest Camp and Campsite is one of the most popular and best camping destinations, its best for chilling in the Murchison Wilderness. The Red Chill Rest Camp is located in the heart of Murchison Falls National Park near Paraa, a few meters from the boat cruise starting point. From the comfort of the camp you can watch the park’s wildlife like Hippos, Warthogs, Elephants, Buffaloes to mention but a few. The camp offers budget accommodation in well-furnished safari tents and bandas. The camp offers public and private bathrooms, modern showers, power supply,Security lights, Toilets, Cooking area, 24-hour Security, Spacious restaurant, campfire, campers can opt to carry their own tents and camping grounds be provided.


Bwana Tembo Safari Camp

This budget camping ground is located 6 kilometers from Tangi gate, Tourists at the camp enjoy beautiful views of the Albert Nile and endless Plains. the camp is comprised of bandas and exclusive tents run by friendly Italian services offering both local and Italian dishes. The camp offers spectacular views of the beautiful nature of the park.

Bwana Tembo Safari Camp offers mouthwatering Italian dishes, self-contained en-suite facilities, fully furnished bandas, airport shuttles, fully stocked shops with lots of drinks, beautiful gardens, free wi-fi, private veranda, showers with hot and cold waters, airport shuttle.

Shoebill Campsite

Shoebill Campsite is a budget facility located on the rim of Murchison Falls National Park overlooking the beautiful Nile River. Travelers interested in camping at Shoebill campsite are argued to carry their own camping gear like tents. The breathtaking views of the Nile River offer cool relaxation to tourists. Shoebill Campsite offers self-catering services, 24-hour security, campfire, seating area, Nice restaurant a few meters from the camp, thrilling garden.

Boomu Women’s campsite

Boomu Women’s Campsite is the most unique campsite in the Village managed by Boom Women Sacco. The camp is located a few kilometers away from Kaniyo Pabidi, tourists can engage in a number of activities at the facility because it is located where cultural encounters take place, learn more about their way of life, learn how to prepare local foods, visit the Budongo Forest, rest in hut accommodations among others. Boomu Women’s Campsite is a home away from home. Boomu Women’s Campsite offers delicious local meals, traditional huts, craft shops, cultural encounter, Security.


Uganda Wildlife Campsite

Uganda Wildlife Campsite is located in the southern part of the park and managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. The camp offers beautiful views of the mighty Murchison Falls, tourists are required to carry their own camping gear and enough space to set up their own tents. Uganda Wildlife Campsite offers evening entertainment, camp fire, self-catering services, Security.

Vilakazi Camp Vilakazi Camp site is located within Murchison Falls National Park and is one of the best camping sites in the park.

Delta Campsite

Delta Campsite is located at the delta where the Victoria Nile and Albert Nile meet. Tourists at the camp can dive into the sweet sounds of nature and eye-catching views of the Albert Nile. Delta Campsite offers toilets, bathrooms, security from ranger guides, clean running water and enough camping grounds.

Best Time for Camping in Murchison Falls

Camping in Murchison Falls National Park is done through out the year though the best time is in the dry months June to October, December to February, because the grounds are dry and good to set up tents making the camping experience rewarding and worth it. The wet seasons of March to May and November camping can be done though its best to use lodges and hotels.



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